
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Man-made illness, mental health, nudes and body neutrality with Imogen Ivy
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Hello and welcome back to STATE OF MIND, with me Grace Kingswell.
Today’s guest is someone I’ve been wanting to talk to for ages, she’s always at the top of my Instagram stories and I devour everything she puts online. Her name is Imogen Ivy and she’s a creative director, photographer and videographer from Australia, living in London.
What drew me to Imogen to begin with was her dancing, her joyful, uninhibited, dancing-in-the-middle-of-the-street in London type of dancing - the kind that lifts your soul and makes you smile ridiculously at your phone screen, whilst also simultaneously thinking “gosh I wish I could move my body like that.”
As the months passed I started to get fragments of a health battle via Imogen’s Instagram, she speaks a lot about movement as a privilege, and having had that privilege taken away form her in her past. She’s eloquent and well-versed, in the way that only one with personal experience could be, on the topics of mental health and body neutrality too.
I was really intrigued.
What follows in this episode is an utterly heartbreaking, in places, and raw account of her journey with mental health that went from being probably quite a standard issue to a medically-induced, man-made shit show.
Thank you to Imogen for sharing her incredible story with us, and providing lots of humour and important messages along the way. You can find her on instagram @imogenfkingivy
This episode is sponsored by @wearesamudra, a sustainable activewear brand based in London. Don’t forget to check out wearesamudra.com for 10% off their gorgeous collection.

Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Hello and welcome back to STAE OF MIND with Nutritional Therapist, Grace Kingswell.
My guest today is Anna Blackwell. Anna is an adventurer, which I feel like is one of those things you decide to be when you’re a child but that realistically you never end up being. As Anna explains in the episode, she never had grand ideas from an early age to be an adventurer, she sort of fell into it and realised that the physical endurance and mental resilience needed to put yourself through gruelling experiences was something she really enjoyed.
I was personally really intrigued to find out what she eats on long expeditions, and I was quite horrified at one of the answers, and what it’s like not seeing another human for days on end.
Whether you’re into hiking and adventure or not, this episode is an enlightening exploration into the human psyche and what it is about some of us that makes us enjoy and seek out adversity.
I also want to apologise now for one instance in this episode where, due to the zoom connection being a bit slow, I basically interrupt Anna multiple times - podcasting long distance via Zoom is hard, so I hope you can forgive me on that one!
I also mention a trek I did in New Zealand and couldn’t remember the name at the time, it’s called The Banks Peninsula and it was some of the best, and hardest, days of my life!
This episode is sponsored by Davy J Waterwear, sustainable swimwear for women made in Devon. Davy Js are giving listeners of this podcast 10% off with the code STATEOFMIND.

Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
State of MINE: Grace Kingswell as interviewed by Sophie Hellyer
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
PLEASE listen all the way to the end of this episode if you like Flight of The Conchords, too funny!
My close friend Sophie Hellyer jumps behind the interviewing mic today to interview me for my own podcast. Answering your questions on Instagram plus chatting about my journey to health and nutrition and having my own clinical practice as a Nutritional Therapist.
Enjoy!! xx

Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Welcome to series 6 of STATE OF MIND with Nutritional Therapist, Grace Kingswell
Today I’m thrilled to re-introduce Debbie Lewis to the podcast, a great friend and mentor of mine and one of a select few Institute for Functional Medicine registered practitioners here in the UK.
Debbie’s here to talk about porridge and why it’s not the best breakfast option out there, no matter how beautiful it looks on Instagram.
The reason this episode came about is because I took to Insta recently to share my experience with having porridge for breakfast a few weeks ago. Usually I stick to eggs and veg - a lovely protein rich breakfast - but for some reason or another I decided to have porridge one morning and felt so sluggish, tired and headachey afterwards. I pretty much broke my Instagram DMs after posting about this so I thought I’d delve into the topic further with Debbie’s help.
I’ve also just published an eBook called Eggs and Veg which has a lot of info on blood sugar and the importance of maintaining steady levels plus lots of delicious protein based breakfast ideas to keep you inspired. It’s just £10.99 and downloadable via my website gracekingswell.com
Please share this podcast with your mates and leave a review on the Apple podcast app if you can - so that I can keep growing and producing podcasts for you all!

Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
The problem with plant milks, with Cait Mizzi CFNP
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Hello and welcome back to STATE OF MIND with me, Grace Kingswell.
Today I’m taking to Cait Mizzi about polyunsaturated seed oils and the omega 3 to 6 ratio. Cait put a story up on her instagram recently about rapeseed oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil and all these other oils that we see in pretty much every single product we buy these days, and spoke about how detrimental they are for our health. As I’d been wanting to do an episode on fats for quite some time I jumped at the opportunity to interview Cait again for STATE OF MIND.
I bet you didn’t think your Oatly flat white was causing significant inflammation in your body right? Or that the fats it contains are akin to those you’d fine in a plate of fries?
The information in this episode needs to be heard, so I urge you to share it with your friends and loved ones - let’s get this message out there! It’ snot mainstream yet, but it should be!
Oh and don’t forget to get my new eBook from my website! All about why your porridge breakfast might be the cause of your energy lows, hormonal imbalances and mood fluctuations. It’s just £10.99 and has loads of delicious protein breakfast recipes in too!

Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Today, my guest Alex Manos and I are talking about a VERY important topic in Nutritional Therapy and Functional Medicine - Mould and Mycotoxins.
This might be new terminology for you but don’t switch off, mould allergy or mycotoxicosis is increasingly becoming one of the biggest players in the chronic health game. When you’ve tried everything from gut work to hormonal treatment to dietary changes and looking at stress and lifestyle and you still have no answers, then it’s worth thinking about whether you’ve ever lived in a water damaged property because mycotoxins could be causing you a significant problem.
We also potentially exacerbate the issue with contaminated foods too: coffee, peanuts, grains and dried fruit being just some of the culprits.
When Alex lists the associated symptoms with mould illness and mycotoxins I think you’ll be shocked how relatable they are to you, so do keep listening and if you want to discuss any of the topics covered in this episode further then don’t hesitate to get in touch.
The sponsor of this episode couldn’t be more perfect wither, because its Exhale coffee, which is free from mycotoxins, heavy metals and pesticides - but I’m going to tell you more about that later and give you a discount code to try some for yourself. GRACE40 at checkout

Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Should Everyone Be Gluten And Dairy Free?
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Hello and welcome back to STATE OF MIND with Nutritional Therapist, Grace Kingswell.
Today I’m welcoming Robyn Puglia back to the podcast, as there was simply no one better to speak to about gluten than a professional that also happens to be a coeliac, with years of experience dealing with complex cases of gluten sensitivity and autoimmune gluten reactivity.
Robyn Puglia is a Nutritional Therapist and IFM Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner.
She specialises in Autoimmune Disease, Gluten-Reactive Disorders including Coeliac Disease, Complex Cases and Unexplained Illness.
We also touch on dairy in this episode too, as gluten and dairy are often lumped together. Get ready to learn a LOT that you didn’t know about gluten.
Don’t forget to leave a quick review on the apple podcast app if you enjoy my podcast, it helps SO MUCH!

Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Why Soil Health = Human Health
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Hello and welcome back to STATE OF MIND with me, Grace Kingswell.
Today my guest is Abby Rose of Farmerama Radio and Vidacycle. Abby is an independent, influential female voice within the regenerative farming world, and in particular she’s really clued up on the role of soil in determining the future of our health from what we put in our bodies, to building resilience against extreme weather and climate change.
Abby is actually a physicist by trade, but comes from a farming family and about 5 years ago started getting really into soil health and its impact on our planet. In this episode we chat about how our gut microbiome is very similar to the soil microbiome, and how the two are connected, the difference between grass and grain fed, the way plants connect with each other via their amazing network under the ground and thankfully we end on a positive note about our role as human’s in the future of the planet.
This episode is sponsored by Exhale coffee, coffee that’s free from mycotoxins, heavy metals and pesticides. If you would like toast up a coffee delivery subscription just head over to their website and use the code GRACE40 which will give you 40% off the first bag in your subscription plus free delivery. They roast and grind every Monday and post our your order on a Tuesday, so it’s always super fresh.

Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Endometriosis & Hormones with Abby Foreman
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Hello and welcome back to STATE OF MIND with me, Grace Kingswell.
Today’s episode has been highly requested by you listeners, so I hope it’s going to provide a lot of insight and value for you all. My guest today is Abby Foreman, a female hormone and endometriosis specialist working under the same discipline as myself, Nutritional Therapy.
In this episode we talk about thyroid function, the sex hormones, PMS, period pain, endometriosis, fasting and why it’s not always beneficial for women and so much more. Get ready to learn a lot about your cycle and start feeling empowered and in control of your hormonal health.
As ever, if you enjoy the episode please do subscribe and review and that really helps!

Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Hello and welcome back to STATE OF MIND hosted by Nutritional Therapist, Grace Kingswell.
Today's guest is Mehlaqa Khan; dentist, periodontal specialist and follower of nutritional therapy and functional medicine principles. She takes an innovative 360 degree approach to her dental patients, incorporating the functional medicine principles of systemic health.
In this epidote we’re talking about the oral microbiome and why it’s the number one step to maintaining good health overall. Your mouth is your first line of defence against invading pathogens and signals are sent from the mouth to the rest of the immune system when something enters that is potentially harmful to our health. Amazing!
The amount of knowledge in this episode is so incredible, you’ll learn why mouthwash isn’t the best way to look after your oral health, the difference that oral probiotics can make to periodontal disease, how gum disease occurs and why, and how leaky MOUTH is the first step on the road to leaky GUT.
We also discuss which toothpastes to buy, whether oil pulling and tongue scraping are 'woo woo' or scientifically sound, whether manual toothbrushes need to be a thing of the past and so much more...
Do share this episode to your insta stories if you enjoy it, and leave a review on the podcast app!