
Monday Feb 03, 2020
The White Death (sugar) with Nutritionist Liv Kaplan
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Liv Kaplan is a Sydney based Nutritionist and foodie with a huge passion for baking. In this episode Liv explains why she lives a low sugar lifestyle and the surprising effects it can have on our mood and our happiness levels, in fact, her journey to health began when she noticed a difference in her incidence of depression when she switched up her diet. We also discuss why Liv doesn't agree with the typical definition of depression...
The topic of mood, depression and anxiety is one that we touch on a lot in this episode. So many people are suffering with anxiety these days and it can often be linked to poor blood sugar regulation and not having the correct nutrients to fuel our brains properly - namely omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids, something that's hard to come by on a vegan diet or an omnivorous diet lacking in nutrients.
As ever, if you enjoy this episode I would be beyond grateful if you could help me to spread the word about STATE OF MIND by sharing the episode to your Instagram stories and writing me a rave review on the apple podcasts app.

Monday Feb 10, 2020
Ben Bidwell: Let's talk about sex, baby!
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Monday Feb 10, 2020
In today’s episode I’m talking to Ben Bidwell. You may know Ben as @thenakedprofessor, and you may not know his face at, just his naked bum! The clue is in the name, Ben really does pose naked in his Instagram photos and as you’ll find out in this episode there is sound reasoning as to why he does this.
I heard Ben on another podcast and something he said really stuck out for me and I contacted him right away to ask if he’d like to discuss it further on STATE OF MIND. He said that the last piece in his healing journey was resolving the issue he has around sex.
This really resonated with me and in our discussion on this episode I found that my eyes were being opened to the fact that sex isn’t always easy for men. For so long I’ve just thought that it’s us women that have the hang ups, the reservations, the lack of self-confidence but my eyes were truly opened talking to Ben and I’m very grateful to him for that.
For more details on Ben and to learn about his life coaching practice go find him on instagram @thenakedprofessor As ever, if you enjoy this episode I would be beyond grateful if you could help me to spread the word about state of mind by sharing the episode to your instagram stories and subscribing to the podcast via the Apple Podcasts App.

Monday Feb 17, 2020
Lysander Bickham: The 16 year old CEO
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
My guest for today's episode is the amazing 16 year old entrepreneur Lysander Bickham. Lysander is the founder of Leo’s Box - and eco friendly subscription box that’s filled with either home or beauty products and is delivered monthly to your door.
Concerned with the plight of our planet, Lysander decided to start a business that offers a more sustainable choice to consumers. I was lucky enough to try one of the beauty boxes and had some lovely natural soaps, a biodegradable sponge, natural coconut oil make-up remover and some natural deodorant.
I think it’s amazing that Lysander has taken something he’s really concerned about and turned it into a business at the tender age of 16. In this episode we talk a lot about why he’s done it, his concerns for the future, the school system and sustainability and how he naively thought that starting a business would be easy.
He chooses what products go into his subscription boxes extremely carefully and if you’re at all interested in giving one a go then please do check out leosbox.co.uk

Monday Mar 02, 2020
Alex Manos: Stop Taking Probiotics (maybe)
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Monday Mar 02, 2020
In this week's episode I'm joined by fellow Nutritional Therapist, Alex Manos. Alex is a very, very highly regarded practitioner in the UK and he holds numerous degrees and qualifications, among them a BSc in Nutritional Therapy, an MSc in Personalised Nutrition and he is a member of the Institute for Functional Medicine - and we're talking all about gut health...but not as you know it.
I’d been waiting and waiting to do a dedicated episode on gut heath on my podcast, and when Alex agreed to be a guest I was beyond excited to finally talk all things gut bacteria, the microbiome, SIBO, oral microbiome and so much more.
We start our discussion off with how important it is to look after your dental hygiene because yes, you’ve guessed it, your oral microbiome is linked to your gut microbiome and both need to be in tip top condition for things to work smoothly. We then go on to talk about SIBO, Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth, which is what I suffered from multiple times myself and what lead me down the path of finally healing my body from chronic illness and becoming a Nutritional Therapist.
We also discuss probiotics and why you don’t need to take them every morning like that influencer you saw shotting Symprove on their stories, we discuss the importance of diet and what to do if you find you can’t tolerate grains and legumes, we discuss antimicrobials, the gut Brian axis and so much more.
This is a MUST LISTEN episode if you want to upgrade your health. Huge thanks to Alex for sharing his wisdom and knowledge with me and I hope you leave the episode feeling empowered and ready to take your health to the next level.
As ever, if you enjoy this episode I would be beyond grateful if you could help me to spread the word about state of mind by sharing the episode to your Instagram stories and writing me a rave review on the apple podcasts app.

Monday Mar 09, 2020
Amy Selvin: What's Wrong With Yoga
Monday Mar 09, 2020
Monday Mar 09, 2020
Hello and Welcome back to State of Mind, I’m Grace Kingswell and I’m a Nutritional Therapist, cold water swimmer, Auricular Acupuncturist and Breathwork coach, and this is my podcast series all about health, nutrition, lifestyle medicine, sustainability and so much more.
Today I’m talking to Amy Selvin of Flow Motion Yoga. Amy started her career as an osteopath, which she didn’t like, then retrained as a yoga instructor, which she didn’t like, and so now she teaches a method she’s developed that incorporates animal movement and parkour into a challenging yoga flow!
Amy has some pretty challenging opinions on life and the world at large, and she’s not afraid to speak her mind on the perhaps quite prescriptive nature of the yoga practice we all know and love so much.
This is a great episode for anyone wanting to learn more about movement and how to use and move our bodies to their full potential. We also filmed a morning mobility sequence together which you can find on my IGTV.
As ever, if you enjoy this episode I would be beyond grateful if you could help me to spread the word about state of mind by sharing the episode to your instagram stories and writing me a rave review on the apple podcasts app.

Monday Mar 16, 2020
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Hello and welcome back to STATE OF MIND, I’m Grace Kingswell and I’m a Nutritional Therapist, cold water swimmer, Auricular Acupuncturist and Breathwork coach, and this is my podcast series all about health, nutrition, lifestyle medicine, sustainability and so much more.
Today I’m talking to Siwan Quinn Bratton, BSc(Hons), Lic.Ac., CMIR, BSS-Do (T) and Jonathan Tarr (Lic.Ac., CMIR, DCHAc., BSS-Do (T), the husband and wife duo behind the helm of the prestigious College of Auricular Acupuncture. I recently studied with them to become an auricular acupuncturist and I thought it would be an amazing opportunity to get them on the podcast to talk about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and how Eastern forms of medicine can be so useful and vital in our Western world.
We discuss what meridians are, how the Chinese 5 Elements work, whether you can really tell what’s going on in someone’s body just by looking at their ear and how the renowned battlefield acupuncture protocol for pain works.
As ever, if you enjoy this episode I would be beyond grateful if you could help me to spread the word about state of mind by sharing the episode to your Instagram stories and writing me a rave review on the apple podcasts app.

Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Annie Clarke: Relationships, defining our boundaries, building a community
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Hello and welcome back to STATE OF MIND. I’m Grace Kingswell and I’m a Nutritional Therapist, Breathwork Coach and Auricular Acupuncturist, and this is my podcast series all about health, functional medicine, sustainability, finding connection, diet and so much more.
I’m beyond excited to introduce you to the wonderful Annie Clark of Mind Body Bowl. Annie is one of the most intelligent, articulate, compassionate and downright kind souls I’ve had the pleasure to interview for my podcast and, in light of the current Corona virus situation, I hope you will find this episode on connection incredibly poignant. Annie and I recorded this at a time where we could frivolously condemn the “fake” connection via social media in favour of true, meaningful, physical connection with our community.
Well I think one thing that this current social distancing situation is showing us is that actually, we all have (thank goodness) at our fingertips an incredible resource through which we can find some comfort and connection during this difficult time.
This is one of those episodes that just gets better and better as it goes on, and I really hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed chatting to Annie.
As a final note, I’ve made available via my website a £5 eBook on Immunity. It contains my 4 main recommendations for supporting our bodies right now, and delves someway into the science behind how the immune system works. There’s no supplements, food recommendations (although there are a few recipes at the back), or expensive potions for you to buy 0 just sound, scientific advice on supporting you body’s first line of defence. I hope it helps you.

Monday Mar 30, 2020
Truth and Heart with Australian model and actor Rhys Uhlich
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Hello and welcome back to STATE OF MIND. I’m Grace Kingswell and I’m a Nutritional Therapist, Breathwork Coach and Auricular Acupuncturist, and this is my podcast series all about health, functional medicine, sustainability, finding connection, diet and so much more.
Today, in the final episode of series 4, I’m on location in Australia with male model, actor, designer, documentary maker, father ran business owner, Rhys Uhlich. I took the opportunity to interview Rhys when my husband and I were in Australia visiting family on Phillip Island at the start of this year. I’d followed Rhys on social media for a while and lovely his incredibly sensitive and thoughtful take on life. One day it might be him doing up an old defender, and the next getting all spiritual and discussing male mental health - which is something we chat extensively about in this episode actually.
His journey to where ehe is now is really interesting and I think proves that life is never linear, straightforward or logical - it is what we make of it, and what we create from it is up to each of us.
As a final note, I’ve made available via my website a £5 eBook on Immunity. It contains my 4 main recommendations for supporting our bodies right now, and delves someway into the science behind how the immune system works. There’s no supplements, food recommendations (although there are a few recipes at the back), or expensive potions for you to buy 0 just sound, scientific advice on supporting you body’s first line of defence.
Head to the link in my instagram bio to grab your copy - I hope it helps you.

Monday Apr 13, 2020
ARE YOU COPING?: Bowl Food Is Soul Food with Cat Sarsfield
Monday Apr 13, 2020
Monday Apr 13, 2020
Welcome to a brand new miniseries of my podcast: ARE YOU COPING?
I wanted to put something out in times of Corona to help, inspire, encourage and support you all during Lockdown. The episodes will be super short and every guest will be asked the same questions surrounding their routine and how it's changed, what they've learnt about themselves since lockdown, food that that's saving them and so much more.
The goal is laughs, comfort, comment and insight - and I hope it helps you.
Cat Sarsfield is a writer and works for a content and tone of voice agency in London. She's a serious foodie and has an epic newsletter called 'Since No One Asked,' in which she shares witty, pertinent and tantalisingly millennial food tips and advice, recipe and shopping lists with her hundreds of subscribers.
I urge you to check it out!

Friday Apr 17, 2020
ARE YOU COPING? weMove co-founder Chris Baker
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Hello and welcome back to “Are You Coping?”, a subsection of STATE OF MIND podcast from me, Grace Kingswell. If you didn’t catch the last episode with at Sarsfield then do go have a listen to that for the ultimate foodie chat, predominantly about pasta and parmesan, lock down coping mechanisms and lots of laughs.
Today my guest is Chris Baker, co-founder of weMove magazine, a project that was founded with the goal to explore what movement means and how it changes our lives. Chris is a photographer by trade but also a passionate breath work and ice bath lover, nature seeker and adventurer. The weMove podcast has taken him all over the world meeting the most incredible people seeking connection, movement and knowledge.
In this episode I ask Chris what’s keeping him going in lockdown, what he’s learnt about himself and what food he absolutely cannot live without right now.
Please do subscribe to STATE OF MIND if you haven’t already, and enjoy this episode of “Are You Coping?”
Grace xx