
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Debunking Nutrition Myths with Functional Medicine Practitioner, Debbie Lewis
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Hello and welcome to STATE OF MIND. I’m Grace Kingswell, I’m a Nutritional Therapist and Lifestyle Medicine Advocate and this is my series all about health, mental wellbeing, state of mind, the environment, creating sustainable practices and finding true connection with yourself, those around you and with nature.
I am thrilled to bring you an episode with Debbie Lewis, member of the Institute for Functional Medicine and registered BANT Nutritional Therapist.
I am SO excited to have Debbie on the podcast because she literally encapsulates everything I am trying to promote about nutrition, health and wellness: that fundamentally we cannot compartmentalise the body if we want to peruse optimum health.
Modern medicine, amazing though it may be, seeks to divide the body up into sections - you go to Dermatologist for your skin and a Gastroenterologist for your gut but a Dermatologist would never tell you that your skin is bad because your gut health is off.
Functional Medicine looks at the whole body as one system and recognises that you can’t spray weed killer onto a problem if you want to cure it because it will never, ever reach the root cause.
In this episode we debunk a LOT of nutrition myths, from celery juice to fasting, what you should really be eating for breakfast, whether we all need probiotics and SO much more.
Please please share this episode if you find it useful and you enjoy it - I want the information on this podcast to reach as many people as possible so that we can bring about change in this industry that’s saturated with bliss balls, overnight oats, celery juice, detoxes and quick fixes!!!
Find me @gracekingswell and Debbie on social @debbielewismed and her website debbielewis.co.uk

Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Hello and welcome back to state of mind. I’m grace Kingswell and this is my series all about health, wellness and conscious living - both from a planetary and from a health perspective.
Today I’m talking to Victoria Meale. Victoria is a sustainable interior designer and this episode starts with our discussion of what that actually means and how she goes about designing a space that’s built to last whilst focusing on using materials that don’t pollute our homes or release toxins into the air we breath.
Then the conversation shifts towards her and the way she lives her life. Victoria has a lot of insight to share on living consciously, especially with regards to how she’s bringing up her son, and she is a firm believer of needing to find acceptance of the ways that others choose to live their lives, which I think is an important concept because it’s all to easy to get on your high horse and start being preachy when it comes to 'sustainability.'
We talk about how she lives in tune with the sun, not using any blinds or curtains at home, how her, her partner and her son all co-sleep and how she deals with the judgement she feels from other mothers or people around her who disagree with the way she’s doing things.
Follow Victoria @mysustainablelife
It’s certainly an interesting and thought provoking episode and I hope you enjoy it! Please do leave a 5 star review on the podcasts app if you enjoy it!

Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Sound Bite 5: Q & A time!!
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Hello and welcome to STATE OF MIND. I’m Grace Kingswell, I’m a Nutritional Therapist and Lifestyle Medicine Advocate and this is my series all about health, mental wellbeing, state of mind, the environment, creating sustainable practices and finding true connection with yourself, those around you and with nature.
In this episode of STATE OF MIND I'm taking your questions! Everything from what my 3 desert island health essentials are (these will surprise you!), to what the best diet to reduce inflammation is and balanced breakfast options for on the go.
I loved having your questions sent in!! Let's do this format again?
Find me for at the behind the scenes @gracekingswell
And for Nutritional Therapy and Lifestyle Medicine consultations book online via my website gracekingswell.com

Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Mika Simmons: Feminism, Lady Gardens, Loss and Mindset.
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Hello and welcome back to STATE OF MIND, a podcast all about health, nutrition, wellness, mindset, sustainability, women's health and so much more. I’m Grace Kingswell and I’m a Nutritional Therapist and Lifestyle Medicine advocate. Essentially that means that I’m down for hard core health facts, but also lifestyle hacks like cold water swimming, meditation and mindfulness and harnessing the power of your own body!
I’m really excited to bring you an episode with Mika Simmons. Mika is an actress, filmmaker, founder of the Lady Garden Foundation and women's campaigner. Mika founded the Lady Garden after she tragically lost her Mum to stage 4 ovarian cancer when she was just 54 and she talks beautifully about how this has affected and influenced her life to date.
In this episode, which is incredibly poignant and moving in parts and hilariously funny in others, Mika and I talk about everything from diet and nutrition to feminism and women’s health, how and why she set up the Lady Garden Foundation and of course I find out what STATE OF MIND means to Mika.

Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Sound Bite 6: PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Welcome back to State of Mind podcast with me, Grace Kingswell. I'm a Nutritional Therapist and Lifestyle Medicine advocate...essentially I see patients with conditions ranging from gut health complaints like Crohn's to skin issues, hormonal imbalances etc BUT that I also massively appreciate the incredible benefits we can gain both physically and mentally from lifestyle practices such as swimming in cold water, breath, movement and nature immersion.
In this Sound Bite I'm discussing PMS. What it is, why we get, what hormones are at play making us feel crappy, and ways to combat it and improve your symptoms.
For all the behind the scenes find me on Instagram @gracekingswell and online at my website gracekingswell.com

Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Intermittent Fasting with expert and coach Sonia Wisinger
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Hello and welcome back to State of Mind. I’m Grace Kingswell and I’m a Nutritional Therapist and lifestyle Medicine Advocate. That means that I’m as likely to prescribe supplement and dietary recommendations to a patient as meditation or getting out into nature.
This is my podcast series all about health, wellness, creating sustainable habits and practices, our environment and much more.
Today I am talking to Sonia Wisinger. Sonia is a fasting expert and runs a successful fasting practice from London’s prestigious Harley Street. Sonia’s fasting journey began long before fasting became widely known as a health, beauty and wellness tool. Having started fasting back in 1999 she has acquired vast experience in the most efficient way to practice time restricted feeding as well as intermittent and extended fasting methods.
I myself am quite a fan of a fast, I find that it’s given me a new perspective on what hunger really is, and feeling like I don't need my life to be dictated by mealtimes so much! It’s also worked wonders on my digestion!
For more info on Sonia and her Clinic please visit wisinger.co.uk

Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
The Other Side of Cold with Wim Hof Instructor, Tom Parry
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Hello and welcome back to state of mind, I’m grace Kingswell and I’m a nutritional therapist, cold water swimmer and nature lover. I believe that we can gain so much power and understanding from tuning in and listening to our bodies, from reconnecting with nature and with those around us.
I help my patients heal from gut health issues, hormonal imbalances and fad diets but I also encourage them to step up for their own health, to be an active participant in that journey and to be their own best doctor.
This is why I’m so excited to bring to an episode today with Tom parry. Tom is the director of Live Long Ltd, a wellness clinic in Suffolk dedicated to helping people to live in a more engaged way. The practice is home to osteopaths, Pilates instructors, nutritionists and more, and, they hold regular Wim Hof breath work and ice bath workshops.
You might have seen on my Instagram that I did my first ice bath experience with Tom when I went to meet him for the podcast, and that’s because he’s a professional Wim Hof instructor. It was my first experience of breath work too, which was amazing and completely uplifting.
We talk a lot in this episode about taking responsibility for your own health, and I came away from it feeling uplifted and inspired. I hope you do too!
If you enjoy the episode and you haven’t already I would be so grateful if you could leave me a review on iTunes as it really helps to get the podcast heard by more people!
Live Long Ltd website

Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
It's time to 'Do Summit Good' for our planet, ourselves and our community.
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Hello and welcome back to STATE OF MIND, my podcast series all about health and nutrition and living a conscious and connected life with yourself and those around you. I'm Grace and I'm a Nutritional Therapist ad Lifestyle Medicine Advocate who can often be found cold water swimming, doing some breath work or cooking up a storm in the kitchen!
Today I’m talking to the amazing Josh Pike who has spearheaded the community based project 'Do Summit Good' in Wales. I met josh one morning at sunrise when we swam in the sea together on Rotherslade Beach on the Gower Peninsula. I got talking to Josh about his life’s mission and swiftly realised that here was a man doing incredible things for his community, our planet and himself.
He’s recently crowdfunded £10,000 to buy a very special steam oven to bake what he calls Truffle Bars. One of the projects that Summit Good is working on is their Truffle Bar Bar, a deliciously chocolatey vegan truffle bar made from borlotti beans grown on a community farm on the Gower peninsula.
Josh tells me the story of why he went from running successful cafes in Swansea to living in a van with his wife for 8 months and then finally realising that he wanted to Do Summit Good.
If you enjoy the episode I’d love it if you could leave me a review on iTunes podcast app if you haven’t already, and share the episode to your Instagram stories so that more people can find the podcast!
For more form Josh, follow the project @summit_good
And for the BTS from me it's @gracekingswell

Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Sound Bite 6: Intuitive Eating
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Hello and welcome back to STATE OF MIND, my podcast series all about health and nutrition and living a conscious and connected life with yourself and those around you.
In this short soundbite I'm talking about the new buzzword...Intuitive Eating. I was on holiday recently and reading a book all about IE...but every few pages I'd feel like having an ice cream or some chocolate because I was being 'intuitive,' and it got me thinking about the difference between eating intuitively and eating for health...
Join the discussion by sharing a screen shot of the podcast to your insta stories and tagging me

Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Richie Norton: All the Feelings (plus connection, mindset, movement and mitochondria)
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Hello and welcome back to STATE OF MIND. I’m Grace Kingswell and I’m a Nutritional Therapist (D. N. Med) and Lifestyle Medicine Advocate. Essentially that means that I’m down for hard core health facts but also lifestyle hacks like cold thermogenesis, meditation and mindfulness and harnessing the power of your own body.
This leads me on perfectly to introduce my guest today, Richie Norton. Richie is the man behind The Strength Temple, a name which I feel both suits him and doesn’t, because he’s one of the gentlest and kindest people I’ve been lucky enough to meet on this epic podcasting journey and we spent such a blissful hour or so discussing life, health, mindset, movement and everything in between.
Richie is an ex-rugby player turned PT, turned Yogi turned XPT coach turned LEGEND and in this episode we talk a LOT about feelings. I think it’s a valuable episode for anyone out there that just feels like they want to connect a little but more, whether that be with themselves or with those around them. A lot of the golden moments in this episode come from the gentle unfolding of Richie’s story, his life and the strange and wonderful things that have happened to him along the way.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. If you want to support the podcast, and I’d love it if you did, you can post it to your Instagram stories and encourage your friends to get involved, and of course, there’s always that all important review on the apple podcasts app.
Find Richie @richienorton_ and me @gracekingswell