
Wednesday May 15, 2019
Sound Bite 1: You Are Your Best Doctor
Wednesday May 15, 2019
Wednesday May 15, 2019
Welcome to Series 2 of STATE OF MIND, and to my first Sound Bite of the series (see what I did there?!). This series I will be interspersing longer form interviews with short, snappy Sound Bites on nutrition and lifestyle, hot topics in wellness and giving you guys a bit more insight into my STATE OF MIND.
In this short episode I talk about how we all need to tune into our bodies a bit more and I use the example of the Celery Juice craze to do this.
As ever, please share and rate the podcast, it means so much! Grace x

Wednesday May 22, 2019
Flora Beverley: Training Sustainably, Period Poverty and Mental Health
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Hello and welcome to STATE OF MIND. I’m Grace Kingswell, I’m a Nutritional Therapist and Lifestyle Medicine Advocate and this is my series all about health, mental wellbeing, state of mind, the environment, creating sustainable practices and finding true connection with yourself, those around you and with nature.
In this episode I'm talking to Flora Beverley, a.k.a. @foodfitnessflora. Flora is pretty inspiring - she's a passionate environmentalist, plant based eater, boxing champion and she's just completed her first marathon. We also talk about Freda, the period subscription service that she helps run, and their give back pledge that aims to help women experiencing period poverty. Flora's answer to "what's one thing you'd do again if you could?" is my favourite yet!
I hope you enjoy the episode. If so, I'd love if you could leave the podcast a 5 star review on iTunes and share it with your pals!
For all the BTS I can be found @gracekingswell and online gracekingswell.com

Wednesday May 29, 2019
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Hello and welcome to STATE OF MIND. I’m Grace Kingswell, I’m a Nutritional Therapist and Lifestyle Medicine Advocate and this is my series all about health, mental wellbeing, state of mind, the environment, creating sustainable practices and finding true connection with yourself, those around you and with nature.
I am so unbelievably excited for you to all hear this episode with Dr Adam Gill and the insight he shares into human behaviour, communities, the health and wellness industry and so much more.
Adam sheds some serious light onto questions such as why are we all so obsessed with health, why do we care what each other are eating, how can we use behaviour change and ethnography to positively impact environmental change and our culture of action reward that lead us all to the chocolate bar when we feel like we 'deserve' it.
Adam is an ethnographer and the founder of Wilding, a creative ad agency using ethnography and behaviour change to improve health. He has a PhD in community participation theory and has worked in the NHS and the health and wellness sector to help clients understand more, and action insights to improve services for patients. He has recently founded the creative advertising health and wellness agency, Wilding, which is determined to challenge unhealthy behaviours and to produce relevant and meaningful creative advertising campaigns for clients.
He’s all about disruption, what’s on the peripheries and doing things just a little bit differently.I think this episode will answer some of your health industry hang ups, as it certainly answered mine!
Adam can we found online at wearewilding.com and on social @wilding_health
For more from me I'm @gracekingswell or gracekingswell.com

Wednesday Jun 05, 2019
Sound Bite 2: Community and Creating Happiness
Wednesday Jun 05, 2019
Wednesday Jun 05, 2019
Hello and welcome to STATE OF MIND. I’m Grace Kingswell, I’m a Nutritional Therapist and Lifestyle Medicine Advocate and this is my series all about health, mental wellbeing, state of mind, the environment, creating sustainable practices and finding true connection with yourself, those around you and with nature.
In this sound bite I'm reflecting on the idea of community and how our lack of it is changing the way we experience health and wellness. Specifically, I look at the parallels between our disparate lives and our wellbeing, seen most clearly in our experience of mental health.
I go through the 4 ways that I stay happy on a daily basis and talk about why your happiness and balance needs to come from within first and foremost. It's only when we're balanced and can actually get to a place where little things don't stress us out, that we can really begin to live a lifestyle of consistency.
I delve into my morning routine as well and discuss the new community that I've just founded, Slow Sundays (on Insta @slowsundays_) to help people connect through movement and wild swimming here in London.
Find me @gracekingswell

Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Lea Sednaoui: The Blood Type Diet
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Hello and welcome to STATE OF MIND. I’m Grace Kingswell, I’m a Nutritional Therapist and Lifestyle Medicine Advocate and this is my series all about health, mental wellbeing, state of mind, the environment, creating sustainable practices and finding true connection with yourself, those around you and with nature.
In this weeks episode I'm talking to Lea Sednaoui (@chewchoose), chef and follower of the Blood Type Diet. Lea was struggling with her health when she turned 30, she was sluggish, overweight, sleeping badly, eating excessive amounts of animal protein and she turned it all around to be the vibrant and energetic person she is now. The Blood Type diet is, duh, different for each blood type and you stick to foods that are beneficial for your type as dictated by founder and geneticist, Dr D'Adamo.
We also talk about our modern fascination with eating the same foods over and over again (hello overnight oats with nut butter), our Western sense of entitlement surrounding food, and how we're all missing a trick by not including anything more varied - not just for our health but also our tastebuds!
Lea's food is an incredible fusion of Lebanese and French cuisine and she's passionate about slow cooking, slow living and really embracing our culinary heritage.
For all the BTS you can find me, @gracekingswell or gracekingswell.com for all things Nutrition related.

Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Ian Rowlands: Saving our Oceans, Being Dependent on Plankton and Siren Calling Festival
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Hello and welcome to STATE OF MIND. I’m Grace Kingswell, I’m a Nutritional Therapist and Lifestyle Medicine Advocate and this is my series all about health, mental wellbeing, state of mind, the environment, creating sustainable practices and finding true connection with yourself, those around you and with nature.
I am so thrilled to bring you this incredible episode with Director of Incredible Oceans, Ian Rowlands.
Incredible Oceans is an organisation that uses the arts, science, education and spectacular events to shed light on the desperate state of our oceans. He is a journalist; conservationist; scientist; wildlife tracker; guide; festival organiser; charity founder; arts lover; environmental activist and wild soul. He’s tracked down bears, birds and blue whales from the Arctic to the Antarctic, Asia and the Amazon and along the way explored spirit, shamanism, coaching and communication.
He’s passionate about us humans needing to reconnect with our living world and some of the things he tells me in this episode literally blow my mind….
This is a beautifully powerful episode and Ian talks eloquently and insightfully about the changes we all need to make.
Please check out incredibleoceans.org where you can navigate through to Siren Calling festival too. Get involved!

Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Sound Bite 3: Why alternative medicine always wins AND what to eat for breakfast
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Hello and welcome to STATE OF MIND. I’m Grace Kingswell, I’m a Nutritional Therapist and Lifestyle Medicine Advocate and this is my series all about health, mental wellbeing, state of mind, the environment, creating sustainable practices and finding true connection with yourself, those around you and with nature.
My goal is to inspire everyone to get back to peak health. I recognise that being on the periphery of orthodox thought can be completely liberating because it allows you to explore niche lifestyle techniques that can have a profound impact on someone's physical health.
The second part of this sound bite is directed towards everyone's favourite meal, breakfast, and why I've completely overhauled not only what I eat, but when I eat it too. I realised that my energy wasn't great and that I was probably struggling with some blood sugar issues - always needing carby foods, a sweet treat after a meal and a snack close at hand. Well, if you want to stabilise your hunger cravings and realign with your body then this episode is for you!
As ever, please leave me a review as this really helps to get more people hearing the podcast!

Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Club Cultured: Finding peace, Veganism, health and tempBAE.
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Hello and welcome to STATE OF MIND. I’m Grace Kingswell, I’m a Nutritional Therapist and Lifestyle Medicine Advocate and this is my series all about health, mental wellbeing, state of mind, the environment, creating sustainable practices and finding true connection with yourself, those around you and with nature.
Club Cultured is a tempeh company doing things differently, organically and properly. Di you know that the tempeh you buy in the supermarket is pasteurised? Neither did I! Tempeh is a fermented soy food that is a zillion times better for you than it's overly processed counterpart, tofu. It contains beneficial, natural probiotics and the nutrients are also far more bioavailable (i.e they get absorbed better and faster by our bodies), because of that fact that it’s fermented and sort of “pre digested."
Nutrition waffle aside, the boys at Club Cultured have plans far beyond just making the best tempeh London has to offer. They want to use their business for good, build schools, educate on issues of environmental sustainability, promote a nutritious and low impact vegan lifestyle and continue to innovate within the plant based food space.
They tell us how a chance trip to Australia, and then Bali, led them to discover Veganism, mindfulness and meditation and how they brought what they’d learnt back with them to the home shores to start making and developing “London’s best balls (more on that in the episode), and other wicked tempeh recipes.

Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Sophie Hellyer: Cold Water Swimming, Sustainability and Feminism.
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Hello and welcome to STATE OF MIND. I’m Grace Kingswell, I’m a Nutritional Therapist and Lifestyle Medicine Advocate and this is my series all about health, mental wellbeing, state of mind, the environment, creating sustainable practices and finding true connection with yourself, those around you and with nature.
I absolutely loved this chat with Sophie, she's such a breath of fresh air in this polluted city. Sophie grew up surfing and immersing herself in nature in Devon and Wales, and has moved to London to further her career as a sustainability activist, feminist and writer. She swims regularly in London's outdoor pools and ponds, and has been known to go for a dip when there's actually a layer of ice on the water...
We talk about how the sustainability movement is a middle class one, how flying is the real culprit if you want to decrease your impact on our planet (although, please do continue to carry your reusable water bottle because it all helps), and how you can get into slow fashion, cold water and living consciously.
Find Sophie online @sophiehellyer and sophiehellyer.com
And for all the State of Mind behind the scenes check out @gracekingswell

Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Sound Bite 4: PMS and a Breakfast Conundrum
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Hello and welcome to STATE OF MIND. I’m Grace Kingswell, I’m a Nutritional Therapist and Lifestyle Medicine Advocate and this is my series all about health, mental wellbeing, state of mind, the environment, creating sustainable practices and finding true connection with yourself, those around you and with nature.
This weeks short sound bite touches briefly on PMS and how it's really not your fault that you're a hot mess once a month and prompted by a good friend I debunk the difference between a healthy granola and a bowl of Shreddies...which both contain the same amount of sugar.
For behind the scenes, nutrition and lifestyle follow me